Tag: energy efficiency


Meet the team – Gaspard Lemoine-Scelles, Business Development Manager at TERAO Asia

Today you will learn more about Gaspard, our French gentleman from Normandy, Shanghainese at heart for a few years now. Let’s discover more about him through this short interview. Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when? GLS: I have been Business Development Manager at TERAO Asia for almost a year now. I came originally to China in 2014

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Our clients recommend us: Fabrice Demichel, managing director of PRD China

At TERAO, we assist our clients to get green building certification. What for? For asset owners or investors to ensure their buildings respond to a certain sustainability standard. It will let the building have more value during its lifetime and for the selling of the asset in the future. One of our clients had this objective in mind, and TERAO

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Meet the team – Nathalie Ieong, Project Manager at TERAO Asia

Today you will learn more about Nathalie, our French-born Chinese Project Manager, a Hong Kong origin Parisian, Beijinger at heart and new Shanghainese since 2 years and half. Let’s discover more about her through this short interview. Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when? NI: I have been Project Manager in TERAO Asia, since October 2018. Before

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Meet the team – Maxime Besseas, Operation Manager at TERAO Asia

Today you will learn more about Maxime, our Operation Manager coming from the mountain region in France. Let’s discover more about him below. Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when? MB: I have been Operation Manager in TERAO Asia, since 2019. I have to ensure all deliverables will be provided on time by taking care of the

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Our clients recommend us: Dominique Laloux, vice-chairman of ERLAB in China, about their new factory in Kunshan

At TERAO, we have the expertise to give advice on the design of a building. What for? To optimize energy consumption while being comfortable for its occupants. It is particularly vital in an industrial asset, where production lines could generate a lot of heat, and where comfort is at stake for the workers. One of our clients had this issue

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Meet the team – Yiyi Luo, Project Engineer at TERAO Asia

Today you will learn more about Yiyi, one of our Project Engineers, who has an Architect and Engineer background and whose inquiring mind makes her the fastest learner of our team. Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when? YL: I have been project engineer in TERAO since October 2019. Q2: What do you like in your role at

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Our clients recommend us: Thibaud Brunel, formerly working for Argosy, about cold storage issue

Remember our article about the cold storage case study “How TERAO can solve your energy issue? – Cold rack case study”? This is a typical issue found in industrial assets that need to store goods or materials that need very specific and stable temperatures. One of our clients had this issue and TERAO helped them to solve it. Thibaud Brunel,

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TERAO presents “BREEAM In-Use case studies” with the BRE and Cushman and Wakefield

On July 16th, TERAO was invited by BRE China to introduce case studies of BREEAM In-Use (BIU) projects, jointly with Cushman and Wakefield. During the event, BRE China introduced BIU v6 to the audience and its updates compared to the 2015 version. Cushman and Wakefield team introduced the benefits of green buildings on building management fees, operation cost and asset

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Meet the team – Simon Joubert, Senior Project Manager & Expert in industrial asset energy performance at TERAO Asia

Today you will meet Simon, one of our Senior Project Manager, who is specialized in Energy Efficiency and…Music ! Let’s discover more about him below. Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when? SJ: I am a Senior Project Manager, specialized in Industrial Facilities. I handle certification projects, and energy efficiency projects outside of the standard certification processes.

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How TERAO can solve your energy issue? – Cold rack case study

How TERAO can help you to efficiently cool your industrial rack? Case study – Cooling system optimization TERAO’s team worked as energy efficiency specialists to optimize the cooling system for a specific case. A Taiwan based client whose process is highly impacted by the weather needed to control well humidity and heat by adding new cooling racks inside a warehouse. The

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TERAO Asia enhancing its BREEAM assessments capacities with two more BREEAM AP in our team

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is an assessment tool and green building certification provided by the BRE (Building Research Institute) for new construction buildings and refurbishments & fit-out projects. To date, BREEAM has been used to certify over 530,000 building assessments across the building life cycle and it is being applied in over 70 countries, of which 83%

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TERAO entrusted by the PEEB to advise Djibouti on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

In March 2019, TERAO was commissioned by the French Development Agency (AFD) to conduct an energy orientation council on the public buildings of the Republic of Djibouti and to carry out a detailed audit of a building that will serve as a pilot project.   PEEB, Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings, facilitates and mobilizes technical cooperation between countries to

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TERAO Asia is able to support your BREEAM In-Use assessments with two BIU assessors in our team

BREEAM In-Use (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is an assessment tool and green building certification provided by the BRE (Building Research Institute) for existing buildings in operation. It can be used to evaluate the sustainability of any non-domestic existing building, against the nine sustainability categories used in the BREEAM certifications. A standardized recognized method to evaluate your existing building

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TERAO invites you to EUCCC conference about Smart Factories on May 28th, 2019

Sustainability is a growing requirement from governments, suppliers and customers. Many businesses still do not recognize that working sustainably also means working cost-effectively. To turn this around requires a willingness to buck conventional financial wisdom by focusing not on reducing the cost of each part but on increasing the efficiency as a whole. During this event, a range of speakers

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Energy Efficiency – Chiller optimization case study

How can TERAO help you work on Chiller optimization at the early stage of design? Case study – Industrial site chillers TERAO’s team worked as energy efficiency specialist to improve the design of a pharmaceutical factory in Anhui province. The client was highly sensitive to climate change impact and had strong requirements in terms of energy efficiency and carbon emissions applied to their

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