May 2019


TERAO Asia is able to support your BREEAM In-Use assessments with two BIU assessors in our team

BREEAM In-Use (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is an assessment tool and green building certification provided by the BRE (Building Research Institute) for existing buildings in operation. It can be used to evaluate the sustainability of any non-domestic existing building, against the nine sustainability categories used in the BREEAM certifications. A standardized recognized method to evaluate your existing building

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TERAO invites you to EUCCC conference about Smart Factories on May 28th, 2019

Sustainability is a growing requirement from governments, suppliers and customers. Many businesses still do not recognize that working sustainably also means working cost-effectively. To turn this around requires a willingness to buck conventional financial wisdom by focusing not on reducing the cost of each part but on increasing the efficiency as a whole. During this event, a range of speakers

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HSE audit for Club Med in China: a first step towards sustainability through compliance

Compliance in Health, Safety and Environment is one of the steps towards sustainability, by following and controlling the regulatory functional or operational compliance of products, processes, facilities and equipment related to food, water, and housekeeping departments. TERAO acted as a third-party auditor and helped Club Med China to verify the compliance of its resorts in terms of permitting, air emissions,

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TERAO Asia is supporting its team in the acquisition of EDGE certification credential

The EDGE Standard EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiency) is a green building standard, and a certification program for more than 140 countries in the world. EDGE empowers the discovery of technical solutions at the early design stage to reduce operational expenses and environmental impact. Based on the user’s information inputs and selection of green measures, EDGE reveals projected

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