July 2022


New HQE™ Certification Référent in TERAO Asia

As a reminder, HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale – High Environmental Quality) is a French-origin International green building standard. It has certified 85 million square meters in 26 countries, over the past 20 years. The HQE™ certification is intended for projects under construction, renovation or in operation, whether residential or not, as well as urban planning and infrastructures operations HQE is

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[Expertise] Energy modeling: a powerful tool for sustainable buildings

Energy modeling is a whole building simulation process that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model the energy consumption of heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, electronic equipment, and process loads. The simulation can give hourly time step results or even sub-hourly time step results (for example 15 minutes) which makes it possible to carry out a detailed analysis of the thermal

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