November 2019


One of our clients got 6 BREEAM certificates during the BREEAM Awards China 2019, can you guess who it is?

Last Thursday 21st November, 2019 were held the first China BREEAM Awards. It is a ceremony to give recognition to BREEAM users and BREEAM projects in China. Credits: BRE China During this ceremony, one of TERAO longtime clients received 6 BREEAM certificates for 6 different projects. Indeed, this retail customer opened several new stores in 2019. TERAO has assisted them

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Carbon Footprint Methodology – How to assess your asset environmental impact?

The Carbon Footprint Methodology The carbon footprint of an entire site could be done using different methodology such as the French Bilan Carbone® approach or the Green House Gas Protocol approach. At TERAO we are used to working with the French methodology. The Bilan Carbone® approach is designed for all types of organizations and is compatible with other standards, such

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HQE Building In Operation – How to improve the quality of your building in operation?

What is HQE – Building in Operation? The HQE ™ certification (High Environmental Quality) is a French environmental scheme for buildings and sustainable territories. In France the first projects with the HQE denomination were started in 1993. Michel RAOUST, founder of TERAO, was one of the pioneers working on these projects. HQE is a qualitative certification, adapted to the context

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