October 2022


[Expertise] Thermal comfort: how to face more frequent heat waves? – Part 2

In our Part 1 article, we have introduced Thermal comfort principle and some essential passive design ideas to optimize buildings for frequent heatwaves. In this article, we continue to introduce other simple yet essential ways to avoid thermal discomfort in a building. Optimization of the envelope Thermal insulation, compactness and glazing rates should be optimized to minimize heating and cooling

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Our clients recommend us: Elisabeth Muzeau, General Manager of Techné, China

In the wake of Paris Agreement, companies are being pushed more and more to lower their carbon footprint. TERAO can help to assess the carbon footprint of companies, from the upstream to downstream emissions.  Here is an example, with Techné Shanghai, which already had a carbon footprint calculation made by their Headquarter, but needed a local calculation for the Chinese

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