Meet the team – Maxime Besseas, Operation Manager at TERAO Asia

Today you will learn more about Maxime, our Operation Manager coming from the mountain region in France.

Let’s discover more about him below.

Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when?

MB: I have been Operation Manager in TERAO Asia, since 2019. I have to ensure all deliverables will be provided on time by taking care of the workload of my colleagues.

Because we are not in a big company, I have had the opportunity to manage projects with international clients using BREEAM, LEED, HQE and energy efficiency approaches, when I was in TERAO France and here in TERAO Asia as well.

For some projects with complex HVAC system, I can also support energy modeling as it was my first mission during past work experience.

 Q2: What do you like in your role at TERAO?                                                                           

MB: I have to keep an eye on all projects, and I am curious by nature. What I like in my role is the possibility to overview various projects and their specific challenges. It broadens my view on different kinds of technical issues.

Q3: Why did you choose to work at TERAO?

MB: When I was 18, it was clear to me that I wanted to work in sustainability. In the beginning, I thought more about renewable energy. However during my studies in university, especially in engineering school in France, I understood it was better to first optimize a building through energy efficiency.

That is how I looked up a company related to energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings, and that is how I found TERAO.

Q4: What is one of your values that is in line with TERAO Value, and why is it a value for you?

MB: One of TERAO values which I also consider important is Transparency. In my opinion, Transparency is very important as you need to know what people whom you work with or spend time with really think, to better understand each other.

Even if someone makes a mistake, even if people are not satisfied with something you did, it is for me to tell the truth.

With transparency, I am convinced work relationships are better and that it has a good impact on a company: people trust each other more and the work is smoother.

Q5: What is one of your hobbies outside of work?

MB: Outside of work, I like to practice bass guitar, sometimes with my friends, sometimes during jam sessions in bars. I have been practicing for 10 years.

Also, in the morning or during the weekend, I practice Yoga, as I think it is good for my health and for the mind, it helps to focus better at work.

Practicing yoga with the team

Q6: Favorite quote/motto?

“Do not do to others what you would not like to be done to you”

Q8: What do your colleagues say about you? 

If you want to contact Maxime for any questions about energy modeling, skiing, hiking in the mountain or burger night feel free to contact him at

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