TERAO Expertise


New HQE™ Certification Référent in TERAO Asia 

It is a pleasure to announce that we have a new HQE™ Certification Référent in TERAO Asia. Tina Shen has just passed the HQE™ Certification Referent exam. She already has experience in the HQE projects in China. With this certification, she will not only help HQE projects to have a smooth operation in regards to HQE, but it can also help the HQE

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New HQE™ Certification Référent in TERAO Asia

As a reminder, HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale – High Environmental Quality) is a French-origin International green building standard. It has certified 85 million square meters in 26 countries, over the past 20 years. The HQE™ certification is intended for projects under construction, renovation or in operation, whether residential or not, as well as urban planning and infrastructures operations HQE is

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[Expertise] Energy modeling: a powerful tool for sustainable buildings

Energy modeling is a whole building simulation process that engineers, architects, and researchers use to model the energy consumption of heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, electronic equipment, and process loads. The simulation can give hourly time step results or even sub-hourly time step results (for example 15 minutes) which makes it possible to carry out a detailed analysis of the thermal

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[Expertise] How to optimize buildings airflow and air temperature with Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)

Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) is a tool used to analyze fluid flows and temperature. In the case of building and environmental engineering, it can be used for internal spaces (large spaces such as warehouses, exhibition spaces or workshops) or external spaces (districts, neighborhoods or cities). In internal space, CFD is used to calculate thermal comfort via the calculation of airspeed, air temperature, “age” of air

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[Net Zero Carbon] Bicycle incentives and recognition in green building certification

In our previous article, we have already discussed green commuting choices and found out that bicycle is the most efficient way for us to achieve a sustainable lifestyle in terms of a daily commute. Today, we will dig deeper into this topic and see how the promotion of cycling can be implemented on a Building Level or a Company Level.

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[To carbon neutrality] Step 2 – Carbon footprint quantification – Feedback from ARaymond

[Part 2] How can TERAO help you assess your carbon footprint? After our first article about Data Collection, and insights from ARaymond employees involved in this process, here is the introduction and the client feedback on the 2nd step of the carbon footprint assessment: carbon footprint quantification As a reminder, here are the main steps of the carbon footprint calculation

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Where is the future of the green industry?

Smart energy consumption reduction tips from TERAO Last Friday 18th February, in Shanghai, “Anhui Huaibei New Coal Chemical Industry And Synthetic Materials Base Investment Promotion and Policy Briefing Meeting” by Anhui Huaibei New Coal Chemical Industry And Synthetic Materials Base and Knight Frank. This meeting had 4 parts: Best Site Selection, Smart Energy Consumption, Ecological Compliance, and Gas Purification. TERAO

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Net zero emissions: practical steps for companies

Last Thursday 17th February, in Shanghai, was held “Race to Net Zero & Carbon Neutrality – Practical Steps for your Carbon Reduction Journey” by the German Chamber of Commerce of Shanghai, and TERAO Asia participated as a speaker. This webinar offered insights on the practical steps for companies to start their carbon reduction journey such as how to measure companies’

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[Event Recap] Embodied carbon for new projects-How to estimate and reduce with ULI China Mainland

On Thursday 13th January 2022, in Shanghai, offline and online, ULI China Mainland held a special members-only event for those interested in ESG. The aim of this event was to help members understand the basis of embodied carbon content for new buildings, embodied carbon contents for key building materials, and what developers are doing to reduce embodied carbon for new

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[Net Zero Carbon] Reduce your carbon footprint through green commuting!

To commute from home to work, do you know which transportation means will emit the least or the most carbon emissions? One would think that carbon footprint reduction is normally a big concept and normally of a national scale, but there is still low hanging fruit that individuals can do for the climate. Increasing findings show that transportation shares the

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[To carbon neutrality] Step 1 – Carbon footprint calculation boundaries and data collection – Feedback from ARaymond

How can TERAO help you to assess your carbon footprint? Discover this case study for an automotive- and solar-related company in China, ARaymond China. We will introduce the methodology step by step through different articles and we will even share some feedbacks from the customer! Without further ado, here is the first step: setting up boundaries and data collection! ARaymond Group

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[Case study] Energy audit: Technical Centre of Plastic Omnium in Wuhan

Case study – Energy audit: Technical Centre of Plastic Omnium in Wuhan TERAO was asked to carry out an energy audit of the technical Centre of Plastic Omnium in Wuhan. This building constructed in 2018 is an R&D centre and test lab for automotive fuel systems in cars. For its global sustainability program, the Group has set two ambitious goals: Reducing

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Shanghai Government & French Enterprises Round Table by Shanghai Commission of Commerce

On Wednesday 17th November, 2021, it was a great honor for TERAO to have been invited at the Government-Enterprise Round Table organized by Shanghai Commission of Commerce, among 8 selected French companies. Other invited French organizations included Air Liquide, AXA, Bureau Veritas, CMA-CGM, Decathlon, Puy du Fou, Suez and the French Eco-City Club. The round table speakers Chaired by Vice

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[Event recap] “Laboratories Energy and Carbon footprint” at Labtech China

Last Thursday 21st October, in Shanghai, TERAO presented “How to reach carbon neutrality in the laboratory” during the “Labtech China Congress, Smart Lab China” organized by Mess Munchen at the Kerry Hotel in Shanghai Pudong. Carbon neutrality is becoming one of the most important topics of the coming years and all stakeholders are on the way to reach it at

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[Event Recap] “Carbon Footprint Methodology and Case Study” with R&D Club for French-Chinese Month of the Environment.

Last Tuesday 19th October, in Shanghai, TERAO presented “Carbon Footprint Methodology and Case Study” for the Club R&D which was organized during the French-Chinese Month of the Environment, at the CCIFC, by the Technology department of the French Consulate in Shanghai. Carbon neutrality is becoming a topic of strong interest for governments, corporations and civil society and Carbon Footprint methodology

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