Tag: transportation


[Company news] TERAO Asia moving to new office in Shanghai Wuding Road

We are happy to announce that Shanghai team has moved to a new office, in no. 555 Wuding Road shared office space. As we are green building consultants, apart from the rent price, we also chose our office according to its green features, let’s discover which ones together: Location and Transportation:   Quality of Space: Quality of food and water:

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[Net Zero Carbon] Bicycle incentives and recognition in green building certification

In our previous article, we have already discussed green commuting choices and found out that bicycle is the most efficient way for us to achieve a sustainable lifestyle in terms of a daily commute. Today, we will dig deeper into this topic and see how the promotion of cycling can be implemented on a Building Level or a Company Level.

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[Net Zero Carbon] Reduce your carbon footprint through green commuting!

To commute from home to work, do you know which transportation means will emit the least or the most carbon emissions? One would think that carbon footprint reduction is normally a big concept and normally of a national scale, but there is still low hanging fruit that individuals can do for the climate. Increasing findings show that transportation shares the

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