New HQE™ Certification Référent in TERAO Asia 

It is a pleasure to announce that we have a new HQE™ Certification Référent in TERAO Asia.

Tina Shen has just passed the HQE™ Certification Referent exam. She already has experience in the HQE projects in China. With this certification, she will not only help HQE projects to have a smooth operation in regards to HQE, but it can also help the HQE projects to get a discount on registration fees. 

As a reminder, HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale – High Environmental Quality) is a French-origin International green building standard. It has certified 85 million square meters in 26 countries, over the past 20 years.

Company news, Expertise, HQE

You can find the HQE™ referent list on this website:

Find out more about HQE through this link, or by contacting us

– Contact our BD Manager Gaspard Lemoine-Scelles at

– Contact our HQE™ Référent Tina Shen and Nathalie Ieong at and

Our team would be happy to help you shape beautiful buildings of tomorrow integrating sustainability concepts and HQE™ certification from the beginning.

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