[Event Recap] Embodied carbon for new projects-How to estimate and reduce with ULI China Mainland

On Thursday 13th January 2022, in Shanghai, offline and online, ULI China Mainland held a special members-only event for those interested in ESG. The aim of this event was to help members understand the basis of embodied carbon content for new buildings, embodied carbon contents for key building materials, and what developers are doing to reduce embodied carbon for new buildings.

The event site with ULI

Gaspard Lemoine-Scelles, TERAO Asia Business Development Manager, shared insight on LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and embodied carbon during this event as a speaker. The topic he introduced is the Methodology and Process to Calculate the Embodied Carbon for a Development Project—-Life Cycle Assessment which has been used since 1970.

Gaspard is introducing LCA methodology

With his presentation, we learned that we are able to calculate embodied carbon in a simple way with LCA. This can help to reduce embodied carbon for new construction projects and to fight global warming ahead of construction and operation.

Our team also participated in the event offline

If you are interested in LCA, you can check out our previous articles on TERAO Asia website:

If you need any information on LCA, Carbon footprint assessment and Reduction Action plan for your activity in China or Asia, please do not hesitate to contact us at glemoinescelles@teraoasia.com. TERAO would be happy to help you understand your environmental impact and set your company sustainability roadmap.

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