TERAO Expertise


Ibox – Full of Energy: HQE, WELL, LEED certification by TERAO

We are happy to announce that Ibox – Full of Energy office rehabilitation project obtained HQE Exceptional, LEED Gold and WELL GOLD certifications with the assistance of sustainability of TERAO. The project is located close to the Gare de Lyon in Paris, and developed by GECINA. The operation size is 20 500sqm. The project includes the following features: HQE Exceptional LEED

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[Repost] China CO2 emission has decreased because / thanks to the COVID-19, but there is more to it!

An original article from CarbonBrief: https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-coronavirus-has-temporarily-reduced-chinas-co2-emissions-by-a-quarter Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, the electricity demand and industrial output in China have dropped far below their usual levels. All the measures to contain COVID-19 have resulted in reductions of 15% to 40% in output across key industrial sectors. This is likely to have wiped out a quarter or more of

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TERAO was invited to “Wuhan Sponge City real estate construction development technology seminar” and signed a strategic cooperation agreement with GBWINDS

On December 18, 2019, Terao was invited by Wuhan GBwinds Technology Engineering Company to attend “Focus on Ecology, illuminate the Future – 2019 technical seminar” in Wuhan Sponge City real estate construction development technology seminar. The meeting was sponsored by Wuhan Science and Technology Construction Commission Sponge City professional committee and Wuhan Real Estate Development Association. Wuhan GBwinds Technology Engineering

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Carbon Footprint – How to reduce the environmental impact?

Once the carbon footprint has been assessed through the dedicated methodology, cf. our article on Carbon footprint methodology it is possible to work on different solutions to reduce the emissions. In the building sector, there are many initiatives to control and minimize carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Optimization of built areas: Since one built square meter is equivalent to one

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One of our clients got 6 BREEAM certificates during the BREEAM Awards China 2019, can you guess who it is?

Last Thursday 21st November, 2019 were held the first China BREEAM Awards. It is a ceremony to give recognition to BREEAM users and BREEAM projects in China. Credits: BRE China During this ceremony, one of TERAO longtime clients received 6 BREEAM certificates for 6 different projects. Indeed, this retail customer opened several new stores in 2019. TERAO has assisted them

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Carbon Footprint Methodology – How to assess your asset environmental impact?

The Carbon Footprint Methodology The carbon footprint of an entire site could be done using different methodology such as the French Bilan Carbone® approach or the Green House Gas Protocol approach. At TERAO we are used to working with the French methodology. The Bilan Carbone® approach is designed for all types of organizations and is compatible with other standards, such

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HQE Building In Operation – How to improve the quality of your building in operation?

What is HQE – Building in Operation? The HQE ™ certification (High Environmental Quality) is a French environmental scheme for buildings and sustainable territories. In France the first projects with the HQE denomination were started in 1993. Michel RAOUST, founder of TERAO, was one of the pioneers working on these projects. HQE is a qualitative certification, adapted to the context

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HQE in « Operation » for the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris

The Louis Vuitton Foundation, which has been already certified by TERAO under the scheme “HQE Excellent – Pilot cultural projects” has a long-term ambition to maintain and improve its environmental performance. This ambition results in the implementation of an in-depth monitoring of the energy and environmental performance of the building. These topics regarding this very complex museum through its technical

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TERAO introduces HQE international certification to Caidian (Wuhan) French-Chinese Eco-city representatives

At present, with continuous improvement and development of green buildings, several countries have created their own green building assessment standards. HQE (High quality environment) international certification has been developed by the French public institution CSTB and has been tailored to adapt all countries, cultures and climate zones in the process of internationalization. HQE is favored by more and more owners and

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Durability of materials – How to anticipate future damages of materials?

The durability of materials is a strategic methodology to design for robustness and resilience, firstly to ensure and maintain an esthetic aspect of building, and secondly to avoid the high cost generated by material replacement. Every material or product has its own life expectancy, the defined use of these products should be in line with their life expectancy. Meanwhile, their

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Functional adaptability – How to anticipate the building future needs?

Functional adaptability is the concept behind the constant evolution of building needs during the operational phase. Indeed, it is very important to anticipate all of these challenges related to new uses of the building, maintenance and repair work. All of these changes have most of the time the potential to solve functional problems and to provide improvements by considering the

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[Repost] This warehouse is one of the world’s greenest industrial buildings

Original article from the World Economic Forum website: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/08/netherlands-greenbuilding-architecture-sustainability Let’s hear our Operation Director Maxime Besseas’s insights about this building: A warehouse is not treated in the same way as a classic building because of the spaces to be thermally conditioned with very little internal input. Major consumptions will therefore often be heating, ventilation and lighting. A passive design is a

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From China Green Building Label 2014 to China Green Buiding Label 2019: what are the major changes?

Since 2008 up to December 2017, over 10,636 projects (over 1 billion square meters) have been certified under China Green Building Label in China, including Green Building Design Label (GBDL-Design phase) and Green Building Label (GBL-Operation Phase); 3401 projects have been assessed in 2017. The following green building map of China can show generally the development situation per region, the

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TERAO Asia enhancing its BREEAM assessments capacities with two more BREEAM AP in our team

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is an assessment tool and green building certification provided by the BRE (Building Research Institute) for new construction buildings and refurbishments & fit-out projects. To date, BREEAM has been used to certify over 530,000 building assessments across the building life cycle and it is being applied in over 70 countries, of which 83%

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Life Cycle Analysis – How to assess the potential environmental aspect of a product?

The Life Cycle Assessment approach has been used since 1970. First of all, in the context of Oil-Shock, it was used by the industry to link the production and transportation of products to the energy cost. Then the focus grew to the environmental impacts of activities since 1990. The approach is now standardized by ISO 14 040 and ISO 14

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