Tag: refurbishment


[Repost] The first BREEAM IRFO in China has been certified by TERAO team for IKEA Guangzhou Tianhe 2

IKEA Guangzhou Tianhe 2 is the first BREEAM IRFO (International Refurbishment and Fit-Out) 2015 to obtain Very Good level in China. Indeed, IKEA opened a new store in Guangzhou, Tianhe district in 2019, in the M·Live mall. TERAO has assisted them along this new store project from concept design to end of construction, working side by side with the different

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TERAO Asia enhancing its BREEAM assessments capacities with two more BREEAM AP in our team

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is an assessment tool and green building certification provided by the BRE (Building Research Institute) for new construction buildings and refurbishments & fit-out projects. To date, BREEAM has been used to certify over 530,000 building assessments across the building life cycle and it is being applied in over 70 countries, of which 83%

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