Tag: renewable energy


[Expertise] How energy efficiency solutions reduce operating costs

Energy efficiency is the practice of using less energy to achieve the same or better results. It can help businesses and organizations save money, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve their environmental performance. Energy efficiency is important for businesses because it can lower their energy bills, enhance their reputation, and increase their productivity. According to a report by the International

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[SEA- Activity] A business trip to Cambodia

Last month, TERAO Asia team, Manuel Ramos – Asia Managing Director and Hieu Huynh – South East Asia Operation Manager completed an incredible business trip to Cambodia! They met many people and discovered numerous opportunities to expand TERAO’s reach in this country. This trip was the perfect opportunity to explore potential business relationships in Cambodia, as well as the potential

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[Policies] Focus on Shanghai green building policies and incentives

[Policies] Focus on Shanghai green building policies and incentives According to the World Green Building Council, buildings and their construction sectors combined contribute to almost 40% of global carbon emissions and 36% of global final energy consumption (Source: New strategy tackles the climate emergency in a post-COVID built environment). Green buildings, if properly designed, have been demonstrated to reduce greenhouse

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Start your company Carbon footprint reduction plan with these official platforms (2/2)

As the second part of this carbon footprint reporting tool series, this article will focus on an analysis of CDP,UN Global Compact and RE100. CDP & UN Global Compact Both CDP and UN Global Compact initiatives date back to 2000. CDP was created by a global cooperation (UK, Germany and US) and UN Global Compact by the United Nations. Now, 21

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Start your company Carbon footprint reduction plan with these official platforms

Recently, an increasing number of MNCs and SMEs have been paying more and more attention to their Carbon footprint. These companies are looking for different international initiatives to help them to reduce their Carbon footprint. To make it easier for companies to choose from a myriad of organizations, TERAO selected six of them and conducted a detailed survey: Carbon Trust,

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[Repost] This warehouse is one of the world’s greenest industrial buildings

Original article from the World Economic Forum website: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2019/08/netherlands-greenbuilding-architecture-sustainability Let’s hear our Operation Director Maxime Besseas’s insights about this building: A warehouse is not treated in the same way as a classic building because of the spaces to be thermally conditioned with very little internal input. Major consumptions will therefore often be heating, ventilation and lighting. A passive design is a

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