Tag: green buildings


[Case study] Carbon footprint assessment: Vietnam textile factory

How TERAO can help you to assess your carbon footprint? Here is a case study of a textile factory in Vietnam. Case study – Vietnam factory carbon footprint study TERAO’s team worked as a specialist to assess carbon footprint for a specific case. A Vietnam based client wanted to assess the CO2 emission for all the activities involved in their factories.

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One of our team members has just become the only active HQE™ Certification Référent in China, guess who it is?

HQE (Haute Qualité Environnementale – High Environmental Quality) is a French-origin International green building standard. It has certified 85 million square meters in 26 countries, over the past 20 years. Example of the HQE certification (not official) The HQE™ certification is intended for projects under construction, renovation or in operation, whether residential or not, as well as urban planning and

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TERAO on TV: how TERAO is accompanying China in its energy transition?

TERAO is on French TV ! Our founder Michel Raoust was interviewed by French BFM Business channel to give his point of view on China energy transition and how TERAO is contributing to this evolution. TERAO Interview by French BFM Business Channel (in French) As TERAO founder states, to reduce air pollution somehow, China has put a great effort in the

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6 things to know about BREEAM In-Use version 6

BREEAM In-Use v6 has been launched by BRE, and can be applied for new projects from May 11th, 2020! The new technical manual is much more visual and colorful, and easy to navigate. However, if you have not had time to go through it yet, here are TERAO insights into the significant modifications we can notice from the 2015 version

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How TERAO can help to improve your asset design in tropical climates? – Bioclimatic design case study

How TERAO can help to improve your asset design in tropical climate? Bioclimatic architecture refers to the design of buildings and spaces based on local climate. It takes into account the environmental conditions to enhance thermal and visual comfort inside a building. This type of architecture seeks perfect cohesion between design and natural elements such as sun, wind, rain and

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Earth Day-Time to act on your built environment!

Following the « Earth Day » celebration & due to the current global “COVID” situation, many organizations are now looking into improving their Sustainability policies and accelerating their action plan related to Climate Change. Sustainability is a large topic. At Terao, we focus only on the built environment. We work on practical strategies that could improve the performance & management of your

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[Repost] The first BREEAM IRFO in China has been certified by TERAO team for IKEA Guangzhou Tianhe 2

IKEA Guangzhou Tianhe 2 is the first BREEAM IRFO (International Refurbishment and Fit-Out) 2015 to obtain Very Good level in China. Indeed, IKEA opened a new store in Guangzhou, Tianhe district in 2019, in the M·Live mall. TERAO has assisted them along this new store project from concept design to end of construction, working side by side with the different

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How TERAO can solve your energy issue? – Cold rack case study

How TERAO can help you to efficiently cool your industrial rack? Case study – Cooling system optimization TERAO’s team worked as energy efficiency specialists to optimize the cooling system for a specific case. A Taiwan based client whose process is highly impacted by the weather needed to control well humidity and heat by adding new cooling racks inside a warehouse. The

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Ibox – Full of Energy: HQE, WELL, LEED certification by TERAO

We are happy to announce that Ibox – Full of Energy office rehabilitation project obtained HQE Exceptional, LEED Gold and WELL GOLD certifications with the assistance of sustainability of TERAO. The project is located close to the Gare de Lyon in Paris, and developed by GECINA. The operation size is 20 500sqm. The project includes the following features: HQE Exceptional LEED

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One of our clients got 6 BREEAM certificates during the BREEAM Awards China 2019, can you guess who it is?

Last Thursday 21st November, 2019 were held the first China BREEAM Awards. It is a ceremony to give recognition to BREEAM users and BREEAM projects in China. Credits: BRE China During this ceremony, one of TERAO longtime clients received 6 BREEAM certificates for 6 different projects. Indeed, this retail customer opened several new stores in 2019. TERAO has assisted them

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Carbon Footprint Methodology – How to assess your asset environmental impact?

The Carbon Footprint Methodology The carbon footprint of an entire site could be done using different methodology such as the French Bilan Carbone® approach or the Green House Gas Protocol approach. At TERAO we are used to working with the French methodology. The Bilan Carbone® approach is designed for all types of organizations and is compatible with other standards, such

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HQE Building In Operation – How to improve the quality of your building in operation?

What is HQE – Building in Operation? The HQE ™ certification (High Environmental Quality) is a French environmental scheme for buildings and sustainable territories. In France the first projects with the HQE denomination were started in 1993. Michel RAOUST, founder of TERAO, was one of the pioneers working on these projects. HQE is a qualitative certification, adapted to the context

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HQE in « Operation » for the Louis Vuitton Foundation in Paris

The Louis Vuitton Foundation, which has been already certified by TERAO under the scheme “HQE Excellent – Pilot cultural projects” has a long-term ambition to maintain and improve its environmental performance. This ambition results in the implementation of an in-depth monitoring of the energy and environmental performance of the building. These topics regarding this very complex museum through its technical

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Functional adaptability – How to anticipate the building future needs?

Functional adaptability is the concept behind the constant evolution of building needs during the operational phase. Indeed, it is very important to anticipate all of these challenges related to new uses of the building, maintenance and repair work. All of these changes have most of the time the potential to solve functional problems and to provide improvements by considering the

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TERAO Asia enhancing its BREEAM assessments capacities with two more BREEAM AP in our team

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) is an assessment tool and green building certification provided by the BRE (Building Research Institute) for new construction buildings and refurbishments & fit-out projects. To date, BREEAM has been used to certify over 530,000 building assessments across the building life cycle and it is being applied in over 70 countries, of which 83%

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