Earth Day-Time to act on your built environment!

Following the « Earth Day » celebration & due to the current global “COVID” situation, many organizations are now looking into improving their Sustainability policies and accelerating their action plan related to Climate Change.

Sustainability is a large topic. At Terao, we focus only on the built environment. We work on practical strategies that could improve the performance & management of your assets in terms of Carbon Emission, Energy, Waste, Water, and comfort.

Our role is to give meaning to long-term plans (“We aim at Carbon Neutrality by 2050” type of ambition) by providing “down-to-earth” assistance in the short to medium term at the local level.

If you wish to assess your existing assets, we use the following methodology:

  • Pre-Assessment tools from Breeam In-Use & LEED O&M or other international green building schemes for Operation.
  • In-Depth Energy Audits

For an average of 10-15 days of work, you have a clear view of the performance of your building with clear guidelines for improvement & future retrofit. It includes technical inputs, financial impact & payback calculations.

If you wish to understand where your New Construction Project stands in terms of sustainability, at any stage of design, we can step in by performing:

  • Design Review
  • Energy & Thermal Modeling
  • Gap Analysis Toward Certain Green Building / Well-Being Standards
  • Low-carbon / Zero Carbon studies
  • Feasibility towards the implementation of Renewable/Alternative Energy Solutions (Solar, Geothermal Systems, etc.)

For an average of 5 to 25 days, depending on asset size & complexity, you can have a clear view of the current performance of your assets at the design stage & help you make clear adjustments to ensure real sustainability when the asset is in Operation.

If you wish to improve the sustainability of your assets, we can support you. The time for action has come!

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