November 2021


[Event Recap] “Solutions for a decarbonated city” French Eco City Club seminar in Shanghai.

On Thursday 4th November, 2021, at the CCIFC, Shanghai, TERAO was invited to participate as experts for the French Eco City Club, which held a seminar on the “Solutions for a decarbonated city”. The round table speakers Gaspard Lemoine-Scelles, Business development manager of TERAO Asia, took part in a round table about « An energy-resilient and environmentally-friendly city». The round table lead

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Meet the team – Yiyi Chen, administration assistant at TERAO Asia

Today you will learn more about Yiyi C., our administrative assistant in Shanghai and how she brings sunshine to our office. Have a good read! Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when? Yiyi C: I joined TERAO team as an administrative assistant in Jan.2021. For family reasons, flexible & shorter work hours were my top priority over

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[Event recap] “Laboratories Energy and Carbon footprint” at Labtech China

Last Thursday 21st October, in Shanghai, TERAO presented “How to reach carbon neutrality in the laboratory” during the “Labtech China Congress, Smart Lab China” organized by Mess Munchen at the Kerry Hotel in Shanghai Pudong. Carbon neutrality is becoming one of the most important topics of the coming years and all stakeholders are on the way to reach it at

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