As the second part of this carbon footprint reporting tool series, this article will focus on an analysis of CDP,UN Global Compact and RE100.
CDP & UN Global Compact
Both CDP and UN Global Compact initiatives date back to 2000. CDP was created by a global cooperation (UK, Germany and US) and UN Global Compact by the United Nations.
Now, 21 years later, these two organizations are the largest with respectively 9600+ and 17000+ members. Among these, 494 UN Global Compact members are located in China, such as Huawei and Lenovo. UN Global Compact counts among its members many MNCs such as the Coca-Cola Company or Microsoft. CDP, which has Microsoft as a member, works with Honda and Chunghwa Telecom.
By joining CDP, CDP experts will conduct one-to-one account management and evaluation of your company throughout the year, in-depth feedback and analysis of your company’s CDP score. You will be provided with an interactive, online data analysis tool using CDP data and a benchmarking report of your performance against 10 peers.
If you join the UN Global Compact, you gain access to the authority, knowledge and experience of the United Nations and the tools and resources it provides. The UN Global Compact will help you assess, define, identify, implement, measure and communicate your sustainable strategy.
RE100, as its name suggests, is an organization dedicated to 100% renewable energy. It now has 320 partners around the world, among which Facebook, Microsoft and Apple and counts as well in its members six Chinese companies. On the website, one can find a detailed list of selection criteria. A company can contact for further discussions.
As with SBTI, joining RE100 requires a target date for achieving 100% renewable electricity. Progress is reviewed annually and published in the RE100 annual report.
Unlike the three organizations mentioned in the first article of this series, CDP, UN Global Compact and RE100 are not confined to the carbon footprint: CDP focus areas are climate, water and forests; UN Global Compact is not limited to environmental issues, it also focused on human rights issues, labor issues and anti-corruption; RE100 focused on the use of renewable energy.
It is worth noting that companies do not need to select only one organization. Indeed, the survey found that many large enterprises, such as the Coca-Cola Company, Microsoft and others, have entered into cooperation with several organizations. For instance, Coca-Cola joined three (Climate Action 100+, SBTi and UN Global Compact) and Microsoft four of them (SBTi, CDP, RE100 and UN Global Compact).
To sum up, companies that want to show their strong commitment to carbon reduction can choose the platform(s) based on their type, needs as mentioned in this article.
We would be happy to assist you in this decision. Please contact our Business Development Manager Gaspard Lemoine-Scelles for more information at
Written by Anne.L.
Previous related article about Carbon trust, SBTi and ClimateAction 100+ :
Carbon footprint reporting tools – Part 1
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