“Sustainability and Well-Being in Workplaces” conference at Cushman and Wakefield Business Corner

TERAO was honored to introduce case studies of Sustainability and Well-being combination strategies for Workplaces at Cushman and Wakefield, Shanghai Office, in partnership with Delhom Acoustique.

Our Senior Project Manager Song Dan introduced the different studies that show that interior improved sustainability and well-being translates into better productivity from the employees. For example, the World Green Building Council wrote that there is a “6% fall in staff performance when offices are too hot”.

Therefore, to increase staff productivity and save HR costs, it is crucial for workplace managers to optimize thermal comfort (heating and cooling) in the office. This can be done in an intelligent manner to make the place comfortable while ensuring energy bills do not skyrocket, thanks to sustainable design through energy modeling for example.

Later on, Song Dan introduced TERAO case studies in workplace design. She showed how daylight modeling could better optimize visual comfort and electric design at the same time in the recently certified LEED ID+C Gold level Volvo Polestar Headquarters in Shanghai.

Acoustic issues in the workplace were introduced by Acoustic Engineer Liming Lou from Delhom Acoustique. She also showed how to tackle these issues from the design stage, using acoustic simulation tools and case studies.

We thank Cushman & Wakefield audience for their attention and warm welcome.

If you need more information on Sustainability for the Workplaces, please contact us at nieong@teraochina.cn. TERAO will be happy to help you shape your high-productivity workplace, sustainable while ensuring comfort.

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