September 2019


Union for Sustainable Buildings WeChat Public Account

Exciting news! We have launched a WeChat public account for the sustainable buildings community in Asia. Union of Sustainable Buildings is a platform that publishes news and expertise related to sustainable buildings, through articles shared by different experts. Please find us by searching “USB可持续建筑联盟” or save and extract the QR Code in WeChat. Shout out to @Architecture 2030 @Delhom @GIGA @Siveco and @Terao

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Durability of materials – How to anticipate future damages of materials?

The durability of materials is a strategic methodology to design for robustness and resilience, firstly to ensure and maintain an esthetic aspect of building, and secondly to avoid the high cost generated by material replacement. Every material or product has its own life expectancy, the defined use of these products should be in line with their life expectancy. Meanwhile, their

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Functional adaptability – How to anticipate the building future needs?

Functional adaptability is the concept behind the constant evolution of building needs during the operational phase. Indeed, it is very important to anticipate all of these challenges related to new uses of the building, maintenance and repair work. All of these changes have most of the time the potential to solve functional problems and to provide improvements by considering the

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