Visit of the French Consul of Shanghai at TERAO Asia Shanghai office

Last Monday 31st May, our TERAO Asia team had the honor to receive Mr. Benoît Guidée, French Consul in Shanghai, Mr. Pierre Moussy and Ms. Paule de la Poype, respectively Economy Counsellor and Deputy Economy Counsellor for the French Consulate in Shanghai.

The visit started with a brief introduction of TERAO, our different clients, project locations and our current expansion to South East Asia.

It was followed by a short introduction of the members of the team in the office and a welcoming cup of coffee.

Manuel, TERAO Asia GM, showing our project locations to M. Guidée, M. Moussy and Ms. De la Poype

It was a good occasion to introduce the activities of TERAO Asia to the French Consulate Delegation, including

  • Green Building certification (BREEAM, HQE, LEED, GBL,),
  • Carbon footprint assessment (incl. Scope 1, 2, 3 according to ISO 14064 or GHG Protocol),
  • Energy efficiency optimization
  • Well-being certification
  • Integrator role for other sustainable-related topics (Indoor Air Quality, Acoustic comfort, Biodiversity…)

A special focus was made on our different recent reference projects such as IKEA, PRD, Carbon footprint assessment of a Vietnamese factory through AFD, etc.

Carbon footprint assessment scope for calculation (known as Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3)

After the Q&A session, the French Delegation understood better what TERAO capabilities were.

As there is a growing concern for carbon footprint reduction, TERAO explained to the French Delegation how companies would enhance the sustainability of their buildings, operations or factories using TERAO services.

TERAO Asia team and the French Delegation

We hope this visit was useful to the French Consul and the Economy Counsellor and Deputy Counsellor and are happy to welcome them again soon.

You are also welcome to visit us, if you have any questions regarding our services, please contact Gaspard, our BD Manager, at

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