Meet the team – Hao, Project engineer at TERAO Asia
Today you will learn more about Hao, one of our project engineers based in the Shanghai office. Have a good read!
Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when

Hao: I joined TERAO as a project engineer in mars 2022, after graduating from a French engineering school INSA Toulouse. My main role is to conduct energy modeling for various studies and certifications. Another role is to provide life cycle analysis for buildings and materials.
Q2: What do you like in your role at TERAO?
Hao: It gives me full confidence that what we are doing here at TERAO creates an environmentally positive impact. We are helping our clients reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint, while saving them costs and optimizing thermal comfort simultaneously.
As a new project engineer, I learned a lot of things through various missions and from my coworkers (Shout out to Maxime :D). Learning new stuff makes me never get bored.
At TERAO, I’ve met co-workers from France, Vietnam, and China. It encouraged me because there are so many of us who share the same value that makes our contribution to a more environmentally friendly future.
Q3: Why did you choose to work at TERAO?
Hao: I choose to work at TERAO because they are pioneers in the industry with a rich experience cumulated from a lot of projects completed worldwide. Also, we have a multidisciplinary team where everyone is willing to help each other and share knowledge. I wish one day I will be able to share my knowledge and experience back to the team.
Q4: What is one of your values that is in line with TERAO Value (transparency/commitment/thinking ahead), and why is it a value for you?
Hao: I think it’s the commitment for sure. We have to truly commit to something to expect a good result from it.
Q5: What is one of your hobbies outside of work?
Hao: Ski is something I really like. I am very lucky to have a “squad” of friends that can ski together during the winter.

Other than that, I like visiting museums and art galleries. In Paris and Shanghai, we have lots of good ones.
Q6: Favorite quote/motto?
Hao: “不以物喜, 不以己悲”. Just one of those old Chinese sayings that are beyond explanation. It’s about emotion management. It’s trying to tell you don’t get either too happy for your material gain, or too upset for yourself for whatever reason.
Q7: A short sentence to describe you (ask your colleagues of TERAO Asia).

If you want to contact Hao for any questions about energy modeling, life cycle analysis, or skiing, feel free to contact him at
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