Meet the team – Tina Shen, project manager at TERAO Asia

Today you will learn more about Tina, one of our project managers based in Shanghai office, who has been working on Green building certification for 8 years. Have a good read!

Q1: What is your role in TERAO and since when?

Tina: I have been a project manager in TERAO since Oct. 2021. I am mainly working on Green building certification process management (such as LEED, GBL, WELL, BREEAM, HQE), technical studies, submittals preparation, coordinating with the project team and communication with the certification institute.

Q2: What do you like in your role at TERAO?     

Tina: I have met a lot of kinds of green building projects in TERAO, not only GBL, LEED and WELL, which are very popular, but also have a chance to participate in BREEAM, HQE and low carbon. I think it is very interesting to compare many kinds of green certifications and find the similarities and differences.

Also, we have many types of projects, like industry, office and retail. Through each project, I can always learn something new. I have been continuously improving my knowledge and skills.

Q3: Why did you choose to work at TERAO?

Tina: TERAO is specialized in the direction of sustainable building development, which is consistent with what I want to do. And as I said above, I want to have a chance to take part in different kinds of projects and certifications. TERAO can provide me with these opportunities.

Furthermore, TERAO has a nice team, they are very kind, professional, supportive and energetic. And we have a bright and nice office. ^_^

All the above are very attractive to me.

Q4: What is one of your values that is in line with TERAO Values (transparency/commitment/anticipation), and why is it a value for you?

Tina: Commitment. In my opinion, it means we should be well prepared before taking any action and carry it out without reservation. Only when we can fulfill our commitment, the client will trust us.

Q5: What is one of your hobbies outside of work?

Tina: Outside of work, I like to play board role-playing games with my friends, such as Jubensha-Script Murder. It is very interesting in carding the logical relationship of the script and finding the truth.

On the weekends, I like to search for beautiful and delicious food with my friends. Sometimes, I also do some food by myself.

Q6: Favorite quote/motto?

Tina: Aspirations can reach any place however far it is, even over mountains and seas; and it can break through any defense however tough it is, even as strong as the best armor and shield.

Q7: A short sentence to describe you.

If you want to contact Tina for any questions about green building certification or foods, feel free to contact her at

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