Net-Zero Waste Christmas with our shared office neighbor company, Splio

Christmas time has arrived! Here at TERAO, we have a special way to celebrate Christmas! With our neighbor Splio, we organized for the 2nd time the Net-zero Waste Christmas potluck dinner!

The potluck dinner principle is easy, each person brings food they have cooked. From slow cooked meat to oven-baked gratin dauphinois, fish, broccoli Christmas tree, homemade chocolate and cookies, we had a feast!

For our Secret Santa, the rules are:

* Bring something you do not use anymore at home but could be USEFUL for somebody else; (we emphasize the USEFUL ?): we already have many things accumulating at home, so in this way, we can declutter and avoid overconsumption of goods, creating more useless carbon emissions?

* Try to avoid new packaging: as we are already using so much packaging every day, be creative and REUSE existing packaging!

The distribution of the gifts followed the Dirty Santa rules, you can check them here:, where you can steal the gifts from the person before.

We had lots of good food and fun. We hope it has reminded some of our colleagues about their Christmas celebration with family and made other colleagues discover the festive atmosphere of this traditional holiday!

TERAO Asia team wishes you a Merry Christmas!

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