[Meet the team] – Martin, Operation Manager at TERAO Asia

Today, we will introduce you to one of the funniest members of our team, but when it comes to work, he is very serious – Martin. Discover more about Martin, our Operation Manager based in Singapore. Have a good read!

Q1: 您在TERAO的角色是什么,从什么时候开始的?

Martin: I joined Terao Asia in January 2023 and I work as Operation Manager for Singapore and Malaysia.


Martin: First, I am passionate about energy efficiency. I like to work on all kinds of assets, but I love to work on industrial assets as it is technically very challenging. It also gives the opportunity to meet great people. As more than 60% of our regional portfolio consists of industrial facilities, I enjoy this context.

Nevertheless, I also like the diversity of projects we have at Terao Asia. I enjoy learning from my colleagues with different expertise, always focusing on carbon footprints from different angles.

Q3: 你为什么选择在TERAO工作?

Martin: First, it is really important for me to work with a company committed to sustainability as it is the reason why I chose this job.  Then, I would say I have been very excited by the plurality of expertise of the company, combining low carbon assistance, energy efficiency, comfort optimization, and green building certifications.

Q4: What is one of your values that is in line with TERAO Values (transparency/commitment/thinking ahead), and why is it a value for you?

Martin: The value I am the most in line with TERAO is commitment. Sometimes it’s difficult to move the lines, to teach our expertise without making people angry, to find a way to make our recommendations acceptable. Commitment is a key value to reaching those goals.


Martin: I used to spend a lot of time in the mountains when I was living in France, but it’s not something I can do in Singapore. I still like to spend time in natural places and discover the region, with my family. As long as I am with my family. 

Q6: Favorite quote/motto?

Martin: « On est pas là pour être ici » (Jérémy Jeannot).


If you want to contact Martin with any questions about energy efficiency and carbon reduction applied to existing buildings, feel free to contact him at mdesbrieres@teraoasia.com.
