TERAO Asia is supporting its team in the acquisition of EDGE certification credential

The EDGE Standard

EDGE (Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiency) is a green building standard, and a certification program for more than 140 countries in the world. EDGE empowers the discovery of technical solutions at the early design stage to reduce operational expenses and environmental impact. Based on the user’s information inputs and selection of green measures, EDGE reveals projected operational savings and reduced carbon emissions. This overall picture of performance helps to articulate a compelling business case for building green.

The suite of EDGE building types includes Homes, Hospitality, Retail, Offices, Hospitals, and Education buildings. Moreover, EDGE is an innovation of IFC, a member of the World Bank Group.

A Global Green Standard

To achieve the EDGE standard, a building must demonstrate a 20% reduction in projected operational energy consumption, water use and embodied energy in materials as compared to typical local practices. EDGE defines a global standard while contextualizing the base case to the building functions and its location.

The EDGE Perspective

EDGE focuses intently on resource efficiency and climate change mitigation, recognizing that too wide of a focus leads to disparate results. The intent of EDGE is to democratize the green buildings market, which was previously reserved for higher-end buildings standing in relative isolation in primarily industrialized nations. Government regulations in emerging economies rarely require resource-efficient building practices. EDGE aims to create a new path for green growth by proving the financial case in a practical, action-oriented way that emphasizes a quantitative approach. This approach closes the gap between non-existent or weakly enforced green building regulations and expensive
international standards. It realizes the potential to lower utility costs while reducing GHG emissions.

Source: https://www.edgebuildings.com/

Baptiste Greco is the first sustainable consultant at TERAO Asia who recently obtained the EDGE Expert credential, highlighting his expertise in green building strategies. By the acquisition of such accreditation, TERAO Asia team is taking a step forward toward increased building sustainability by using a World Bank tool. Capability is available for any company that wishes to implement these approaches in China or other locations throughout Asia.

If you need more information on EDGE certification, please contact us at nieong@teraochina.cn. TERAO will be happy to help you shape the beautiful buildings of tomorrow integrating sustainability concepts and EDGE certification from the beginning.

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