Nowadays it is necessary to optimize the Energy Efficiency and sustainability of future assets for both environmental and financial issues. Through its 30 years of expertise, TERAO has developed internally a methodology to optimize the building’s energy efficiency by being involved at the early stage of the design.

By starting at the Schematic Design stage, TERAO has the capability to develop and study several strategies and analyses to optimize the energy efficiency and sustainability of some aspects of the building. These analyses are always based on building energy modeling practices, showing the most relevant Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs).

Based on the final results, TERAO is able to define an accurate Return On Investment for each strategy.

The methodology for Sustainability Solutions is as follows:

  1. Modeling of the building, with the proposed design, in order to predict the energy consumption of the building, as per the initial proposed design.
  2. Modifications of parameters to assess their impact on the overall energy consumption. (parametric analysis)
  3. Calculation of the additional costs for the modification of the parameters, and calculation of the associated payback.
  4. Definition of a scenario that uses all the best improvements.

For instance, the following strategies could be discussed:

  • Lighting Power Density (LPD) optimization
  • Fresh air flow rate reduction and management
  • Indirect heat exchanger
  • Insulation optimization
  • Daylight optimization
  • Process optimization

Written by Baptiste Greco, Green Building Engineer

If you need more details, please do not hesitate to contact us at We will be happy to help you to optimize the energy efficiency and sustainability of your project

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