Our clients recommend us: Haze Zhang, Deputy General Manager of Lux-mate China

In the wake of the Paris Agreement, companies are being pushed more and more to lower their environmental impact. TERAO can help assess carbon reduction and define the different reachable levels of LEED certification for the warehouse.

In this article, we invite you to read the following interview of Haze Zhang, Deputy General Manager of Lux-mate China.

1 – Can you tell us more about your professional background & the activities of Lux-mate in Asia?

Lux-mate was founded in 1999Y and the first office was opened in Changchun, China. After that, we successively started Dalian, Chengdu, and Guangzhou offices. In 2016Y, we came to Shanghai for biz operations and moved our China headquarters to Shanghai in the same year. As the company’s business scale continues to expand, in 2017Y we decided to leave our new footprint in Amsterdam which is 1st office for Lux-mate in Europe. As of the end of 2019Y, Lux-mate is pleased to have more than 400 lovely employees. Till 2022Y, we also have new chapters in Germany, Norway, and France, and continue to invest and develop in the areas of concern.

Lux-mate is committed to providing our customers with complete supply chain optimization and management solutions and focuses on two major industries including luxury fashion and automotive industry. By truly understanding the needs of customers, we deliver tailor-made solutions to them and have established long-term trust and cooperation with various well-known enterprises.

2 - 你是如何听说TERAO的?你在什么情况下需要TERAO的支持?

Following the request of our client (who recommended TERAO support) to get the LEED Certification for the warehouse used for their products. We are interested in TERAO to conduct a LEED Feasibility Study of the warehouse rented in Shanghai. The goal of this Feasibility Study is to assess whether the current facility can be certified and the potential strategies to reach the targeted level of certification. Then we requested TERAO to provide LEED certification assistance during design, tender, and construction and manage the certification process leading to the obtention of the LEED Gold Level certification.

3 - TERAO是如何为您的项目做出贡献的?

Lux-mate is renting to a client a warehouse in Pudong. As per our client’s sustainable guidelines, this warehouse should be Silver/Gold Certified. Lux-mate was aiming to refurbish this project in order to get the LEED certification. The building is composed of two floors of warehouse with some restrooms and technical areas. The second floor has air-con (VRV on the roof) and the lighting system is composed of efficient LPD.

Warehouse in Pudong

In this project, TERAO created the LEED profile of the project through a Feasibility Study. It led to choosing the appropriate targeted performance and evaluating the feasibility of strategies to reach the various certification levels, with the associated costs.

  • Define the different reachable levels of LEED certification for the warehouse.
  • Identify required strategies to reach different levels and cost estimations.
  • Identify relevant certification process
  • Cost estimation related to the certification
  • Provide time estimation

Thanks for the general introduction to the project we have a deep understanding of “what shall we do” and fully support the whole process

4 - 您对TERAO的哪部分工作最满意?

TERAO provided a complete project proposal including objectives, scope of work, timeline, budget, and requirements. By creating a detailed project proposal, all stakeholders have a clear and unified understanding of the project’s goals and deliverables.

In addition, TERAO recommended qualified suppliers and vendors for the various components and resources needed for the project. Their expertise enables us to source and select suppliers who not only meet the project’s technical requirements but also align with our budget and quality expectations.

5 - 您会向谁推荐TERAO?

We would love to recommend TERAO to a wide range of potential partners who may benefit from their services. TERAO’s expertise and commitment make them a trusted partner for clients.

Ms. Haze Zhang, Deputy General Manager of Lux-mate (Shanghai) Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd

Thank you, Haze Zhang, for these kind words.

Whether you are in the midst of a complex construction project, seeking sustainable solutions for your building assets, or looking to enhance energy efficiency, TERAO stands ready to meet your needs. TERAO team of experienced professionals has a deep understanding of environmental and sustainability challenges, along with a proven track record in delivering effective solutions.

If you happen to have a sustainability goal as Lux-mate for LEED Certification, you can contact our Business Development Director Gaspard at glemoinescelles@teraoasia.com. We would be happy to support you to achieve it.


