On July 16th, TERAO was invited by BRE China to introduce case studies of BREEAM In-Use (BIU) projects, jointly with Cushman and Wakefield.

During the event, BRE China introduced BIU v6 to the audience and its updates compared to the 2015 version.

Cushman and Wakefield team introduced the benefits of green buildings on building management fees, operation cost and asset value. They also introduced one of their BIU projects in Jinan for the PICC office and analyzed the 1-year operation recording, which brought tangible insights into the benefits of sustainability evaluation tools such as BIU and the importance of recording building data (energy, water, waste, air quality, user comfort…).

我们的项目经理Nathalie Ieong介绍了TERAO利用BIU进行的不同案例研究以及BIU过程后的挑战和收益。

BIU versatility of uses was highlighted. For instance, one of our clients had just finished renovating their office space but had not integrated any sustainable certification during the design and construction stage. In order to evaluate the sustainability level of this asset, the BIU Part 1 Asset Performance was used, without the 1-year recording data needed for Part 2 or Part 3 of BIU.

Our case studies also showed how BIU is a great tool to help all different parties (owner, facility management team, investors, etc.) communicate and make the building more sustainable, together. When the BIU tool is used, it means the owner is willing to improve their asset. It gives the Facility Management team an opportunity to show the renovations or improvements they have noticed, such as water sub-monitoring or HVAC system improvement for better energy efficiency, or even replacing cleaning products with less harmful ones for the health of the visitors/users.


We would like to thank BRE China and Cushman & Wakefield for their invitation, as well as the audience (in real life and online) for their attention and warm welcome.

If you need more information on Sustainable building certification or evaluation for existing buildings or assets, feel free to contact Gaspard, our Business Development Manager, at glemsce@teraochina.cn. TERAO will be happy to help you improve your asset operation and maintenance, decrease your operating cost and impact, and increase its long-term value.
