How do climate risks and China’s push towards greener solutions provide opportunities for European SMEs? How can these businesses respond to growing demands from investors and create sustainable, long-term value while ensuring that they also address climate-related risks from regulatory and legal perspectives?
Yesterday, TERAO’s China Country Manager Mr.Manuel Ramos was invited to speak at EUCCC about the business of sustainability for European SMEs in China. The event began with the opening remarks by the EU SME Centre director Peter Pronk, followed by the introduction by the National Vice Chair of the Environment Working Group and the Head of the Cabin Supply Programme at Airbus China, Dr. Christoph Schrempp.
Mr. Ramos provided research results from the survey sent to more than 14 industry professionals and shared his insight and experience interacting with diversified clients while working as the Country Manager at TERAO. He also discussed the unique challenges and opportunities faced by Western, especially European SMEs who are offering sustainability solutions in China. After, the audience in Beijing also interacted with the speakers during the Q&A session.
“According to my experience, I can tell you that 90% of my clients are still foreign companies after 10 years in China market. Although Chinese clients are becoming more open-minded to new options in green building, the market is still not mature or developed enough to fully understand the value of our service. It is important to stay optimistic, but also keep a balanced portfolio of clients.” —- Manuel Ramos
TERAO welcomes discussion in the sustainability field and will continue to actively participate in educating and promoting green building concepts worldwide.
Read more about the event details here:
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