Scope of Work :

Sustainable office & wellbeing strategies

  • Energy Modeling
  • Lighting
  • Low-Emission Material
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Thermal comfort
  • Location & access to amenities

Results :

LEED ID+C Gold Certification (Dec 2018)

  • Lighting:
    • daylight modeling
    • 100% LED lighting with daylight control
    • 53% reduction in lighting power density below ASHRAE 2010 requirement
    • more than 90% workstation enjoys natural light and outdoor view
    • lighting control
  • Indoor Air Quality:
  • PM2.5 filter and monitor system
  • Thermal comfort:
    • fresh air management
    • fresh air monitoring
    • CO2 sensor
  • Location & access to amenities:
    • location
    • convenient transportation
    • amenities

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