Specialist in Sustainability since 1993
After serving the French Housing Ministry as an expert in Solar Energy and Sustainability, Michel Raoust opened “Cabinet Raoust” in 1993, a thermal study consultancy firm, in order to support the rise of HQE (High Environmental Quality) in the building sector.
Therefore, he participated in 5 pilot projects that would serve as the basis of the first HQE Guideline.
During the 2007 Grenelle de l’Environnement, an environment forum which aim was to enhance concrete environmental measures in France, “Cabinet Raoust” became “TERAO SARL. This change came with 3 founding principles of the new identity of TERAO:
After over 30 years of dedication to sustainability, Mr. Raoust invests now all his efforts in knowledge transfer so the new engineers can keep on improving his undertaking.
TERAO takes advantage of the pioneering culture initiated by its founder, still deeply anchored nowadays. Indeed, our teams will provide systematically innovative solutions to the project team.
TERAO carries out projects over the 5 continents, especially in Asia and Latin America where our development drove us to open local operational branches.
In 2015, TERAO is given a new supervisory team to reinforce its growth in France and abroad. André Durbec (ex Burgeap IGIP) joins the adventure along Aymeric Novel (TERAO Technical Director). Michel Raoust is now in charge of Innovation.
TERAO cultivates Quality Assurance from its experience of over 700 projects in France and abroad. Our numerous missions highlight our expertise and give us an important database improving our reliability.
Quality is at the heart of our studies and is part of the skills brought by each of us though experience and personality.
Clients confidence built over the years rewards our efforts and dedication to Sustainable Buildings. Confidence is also inherent to our team bond, the projects we are involved in and the future that we shape positively.
This trusting relationship comforts us in the idea that we are doing the right thing. We are committed to continuous improvement of our services.
Finished projects
years of experiences
spoken languages
TERAO stands at the forefront of Sustainable Building expertise owing to its 20 years of experience. TERAO and its collaborators have been participating actively both in France and abroad in the field of sustainable building and in emergent technologies thanks to publication of studies, calculation software editing and thanks to its participation to national and international working groups.
This everlasting culture of innovation enable us to offer solutions that anticipates the needs of project managers and guide them toward more and more high-performing and positive-impact buildings.
Environmental responsibility is our fuel. Beyond our obvious will to reduce depletion of natural resources, we give a particular attention to daily business reality of the different stakeholders so that good practices generalize and are not seen as a cost but rather as an added value.
Innovation is our main focus at TERAO. Indeed, our company started with the conception of one of the first thermal simulation software as well as the creation and the execution of the first HQE (High Environmental Quality – French Green Building Standard) procedure. Nowadays, TERAO is one of the most referred engineering company to support energy performance.
Thanks to a multicultural firm that enhances a continuous pro-activity with innovative practices, we remain at the top of the performances within the built environment. While staying focus on the major overall dynamics, we work independently without following the trends.
Our solid international presence allows us to benefit from valuable feedback from the sites and customers and to constantly challenge our knowledge. Moreover, our clients take advantage of our high-quality added values through significant transfers of knowledge.
A qualified multidisciplinary team
Polytechnicien (X74) and graduated from Stanford University (USA), specialized in Solar Energy, Michel RAOUST is a well-known thermal study of the building expert. He is the founder of the dynamic thermal simulation software OASIS, co-writer of the calculation method for the “5000 solar houses” contest and the French solar Atlas. Thanks to his 30 years of experience, he takes part in several international energy efficiency programs (In China, South Africa, Maghreb, etc). He also manages audits for CERTIVEA.
Vice president of the ICEB, in charge of the international development.
He is bilingual in French and English.
Docteur ès Mécanique (ULP86) and Water and Environment Engineer, André DURBEC is an Environmental Resilience Specialist for cities and industries. After 8 years in the Research field, he worked 23 years in BURGEAP Group which specializes in Environment and public aid for development. He is the founder and the Director of ResiliEnv (2005). He is the Head of the executive comity of TERAO. While taking part in the structuring of VIVAPOLIS, a French network of sustainable cities stakeholders, he is also French foreign trade advisor. Thanks to his strong professional experience in many countries, he takes part in several export firms supervisory boards.
He is bilingual French – English and has a professional level in Spanish and German.
As a graduate Engineer in Sustainable Design Process, he holds a Master’s Degree in Integration of energy efficiency and renewable energies in building design. He has been working at TERAO for 8 years and has spent 6 years in China where he developed the activity of the firm. As a Specialist in Energy Modelling, he is a LEED-AP/Chinese 3-stars/CMVP (Performances measuring and verification) and CBCP (Buildings commissioning) Accredited Professional. He is completing a Doctorate in Energy Performances Contracts. Aymeric is currently in charge of all Technical Development, Innovation and Quality Control on all important projects. In particular, Development of the Energy Performance Contracts and supervision of TERAO China technical operations. He manages operations and takes part in the development of high added-values services as the Operations Director of Terao in Paris nowadays.
Aymeric Novel is trilingual in French, English and Chinese (Mandarin).
Our TERAO Asia team

Manuel Ramos
Asia Managing Director
“When he is not busy in meetings with potential customers, his favourite activity is to ask us “Do you remember TERAO values” ?”

Nathalie Ieong
Operation Director
“The most active environmentalist of the team and part-time Chongming farmer”

Hieu Huynh
SEA Operation Manager
“A charming gentleman!Hieu is totally dedicated to the environment.”